A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS


It looked like it was going to be a wonderful, sunny day. I travelled to Arnside to eat fish and chips with a friend. We had a lovely time, and walk around all the quirky shops in Arnside. Then the rain came.

As I took the train to Barrow to meet Sara the rain increased. We went shopping, and managed to stay mostly dry, until I was going to catch the train back to Grange. The rain was still pouring down my face when I walked into the train. I was soaked. It's actually the first time in England the weather has caught me by suprise like that.

Still, definently worth it! Had a lovely time. Sara is an amazing person to be around. Look at that lovely smile! Thank you God for rain, and roofs and friends.


  1. Godt å se at du har gode venner Tonje. Kjekt å se at du koser deg med å lage smykker f.eks. Kjekt å høre fra deg.❤


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