A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS

Lunch clubs.

It's a new year, and often it comes with change. In our job we have to rethink what we do. Our aim is to reach people with the gospel. And like the bible says, "how can they believe unless they hear?" (Romans 10:14).

One of the things we have changed is that we have started a new lunch club in a different school. We also are about to change the one we have in the secondary school to reach a higher number of kids.

What is a lunch club?
We meet the kids in the lunch break for 30-45 minutes. We talk to them, do activities, share something about God, sometimes pray. The new lunch club is for the last years in primary school, and the topics we talk about is things that has to do with their future, and growing character. The first one we did was about 'HOPES'. I thaught them how to make paper planes, which they wrote their hopes on. Then they threw them in a contest. I told them that God is calling, and he has the best plans for them. Come to him.

Random google illustration. We are not allowed to take pictures of the kids. But yeah, they are all in uniform!
