A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS

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This is a parody on how life is in the lakes. Funny, but kind of true. God is here as well, which is lifting the experience a few levels. 

Last weekend I went to Kirby Longsdale with some of the friends I've gained here. Me and Sarah had good fun doing craft with an old lady in the church. Everybody thought Sarah was norwegian, and asked her how long she was going to stay. There was a christmas market, and music in the streets.

Last weekend and coming weekend I'm helping out at the local panto. The kids are so talented. They are going to perform Robin Hood. It is a cool way to get to know the kids. I'm making french plaits, and helping in the dressing room.

On Thursday we are doing advent Messy-church in school. One of the things we are doing is to put reflections and prayers on stars that we glue to the purple sky. They are going to write the things they can bring to God - things they are good at. I made the wise men to make a parallel to what they brought to Jesus. 

Yesterday was training day in Liverpool. We learnt about street evangelism, and we tried it out. I have done it before, but yesterday I bailed out, totally. I really want to share the good news, but I struggle to bother strangers with it. Still I don't want to hold on to it as if I am the only one worthy of salvation, because I know I need Jesus just as much as anybody else. 
We also learnt about apolegetics. We had really good debates. It was great to worship together, see everyone again, and walk the streets of Liverpool.
