A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS

Panto and (dis)/(en)couragement.

I've been sick all week, but to not appear weak I decided to share my germs and help at the panto. I had so much fun that I alsmost forgot that I was sick. They needed someone to help in the girls dressing room, so I was able to hang out with the kids all day. We drew things together, and laughed and I was able to share a little bit about God and what he has done for me. I never got to watch the play, but still it was good fun. Two of the girls gave me a christmas card in the end!

Sunrise this morning, outside my crib.

There are always challenges in life. God likes to give you that, so that you rely on Him more. Lately I've been tempted to be discouraged a lot. It's nice to have small, good experiences that gives you courage - like being in the panto, and seeing the beautiful view. This bible verse also keeps me going:

"The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control."

2 Tim 1:7


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