A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS


"Safeguarding is a term used in the United Kingdom and Ireland to denote measures to protect the healthwell-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people — especially children, young people and vulnerable adults — to live free from abuse, harm and neglect."
Reference: Wikipedia

Just after we came to England we had to go through a course in safeguarding. At first thought I didn’t find it very different from the rules we have in Norway. Of course we want to protect children from abuse. After a few months working in an enviroment where the rules apply I find them ruining instead of helping.

Things that are challenging with safeguarding:
-          - You need forms with parents signature for any kind of club
-          - You can’t meet children, or have any form for contact with them alone
-          - You can't ring, text, or have contact on social media with kids
-          - You need parents permisson to take the youth anywhere
-          - You can't touch the kids at all

The list makes sense theoretically, but it complicates things a lot. Touch for instance: We all need to be touched in good ways. Human contact is an important confimation for self worth, acceptance etc. - I say this a physiotherapist.

I told my friend about the rules of safeguarding. She said: «That must be a cold country». To some extent safeguarding makes it cold. It’s hard to be a youth worker when you are bound by so many rules. If you can’t be friends with the kids – how can you show them that Jesus can be their friend?
