A norwegian's adventure in England, through an internship with NMS

Church. Rydal hall. School assemly.

Methodist church:

Morning sun, on the way to work:

Rydal hall:

Toast prepared for the parents before school assembly:

I'm getting to know more and more people. This weekend one family asked me over for dinner twice, and I went for a barbeque in Rydal hall with another family. Today a lady took me shopping for plastic boxes to contain food and leftovers. One family also gave me a key to their house, so that I can go there whenever if I want change. God's gifts are amazing, including putting friendly people in my life.


  1. Så fint å se og lese Tonje. Flott natur og mange gode opplevelser. Det blir helt sikkert et fantastisk innholdsrikt år! Gleder meg til å følge med her på bloggen. Du er så god til å gi et godt inntrykk av livet ditt med ord og bilder. Glad i deg 😘

  2. Kommentaren over er fra Renate


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